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Results for "keyword: "God""
Everyone A daily meditation and prayer to see the divine in everyone you meet.
Holy Trinity Huston Smith on the spiritual practice of listening to the Holy Trinity in your heart.
Deliver Us From Amnesia Walter Brueggemann's MLK Day prayer that we take up the mantle of those who have gone before us in the struggle for peace, justice, and freedom for all.
Shoni Labowitz in Miraculous Living It is the creative person who steps aside
Meister Eckhart in The Solace of Fierce Landscapes God is like a person who clears his throat
Eknath Easwaran in The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living On the Kerala New Year
Abraham Joshua Heschel in The Way Into Jewish Prayer To pray is to dream
Anselm Grun in Building Self-Esteem The monks of Mount Athos believe that
Robert Svoboda in Spiritual Divorce Every human being is a mirror
Donna Schaper in Stripping Down: The Art of Spiritual Restoration God is spreading grace